
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

it is finshed. · 5:56am Jun 23rd, 2019

Standing at 173,000 words the first official novel of A wizard's tale, now renamed The Raven Age: A Wizard's Tale is finished and being attempted to be traditional published. If traditional doesn't work out then there's always amazon.

Yet however as though grand is sounds that leaves this dark lord at an crossroads and with g5 being round the corner that crossroad is even more narrowed.. what happens next?:rainbowderp:

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The Meaning of being a Pony Author · 9:23pm Apr 18th, 2019

Luna beckoned her to come to the other side of the room. It formed a stark contrast to the table. Instead of the hard, uncomfortable wood structure that looked like it had been meant for stressful meetings and conferences, there were several comfy armchairs, a long sofa of a wine-red color and small, round tables, each one situated right next to an armchair. Old candles stood on them, burnt down halfway. In the middle was a tiny, fragile-looking table, only a few inches high. It stood on

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Demonic Dragon, Fic Deletion and Threatening your Favourite Pony Author: About things you should do and things you should NEVER do · 7:57pm Aug 17th, 2018

Today, I received a private message. As you might already know if you've seen me posting comments in some places recently, I am a very huge advocate for it that ponyfics stay online, whether on the accounts of their authors or on independent archives, such as FIMFetch or my archive account, Fluttercheer's Orphanage for Abandoned Pony Fiction.

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Brony Retweets 2.0 · 8:54pm Nov 15th, 2023

Up until last year, there used to be a special account on Twitter that retweeted tweets by pony artists and other pony creators and tweets about ponies and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in general. This account was known as Brony Retweets, a bot account with the goal to promote smaller pony creators on Twitter and to make pony tweets easier to discover.

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results